2024 8U/9U (Rookieball) Baseball
- Individual Fees
- Early Bird $215.00
- Regular $240.00
Game days: Two nights per week, Mondays & Wednesdays.
Locations: Highland Creek Park, Canmore Park and West Hill, depending on field availability and scheduling.
Game time: Games start at 6:30pm. No new inning after 8:00pm, and game is dead at 8:15pm.
8U/9U uses a ZOOKA Pitching Machine, which is generally set at 35-40 mph. The pitching machine can only be adjusted (height and speed) at the beginning of a new inning with the agreement of both coaches and the umpire. Pitching machines are operated by a coach or parent helper.
NOTE: If registration numbers are short, birth years 2015-2016 will be combined into one divisio
Friend Requests:
Please email special requests with reason(s) to requests.westhillbaseball@gmail.com. All requests will be reviewed and accommodated if possible.
A $20 Administration Fee will be deducted from any refund request. No Refunds after June 1st for our Summer House League programs. No Refunds after August 20th for our Fall Ball programs.